To make your business visible to the world, you must establish an online presence. Doing so requires creating a website and partnering with a capable web host. This informative blog post will guide entrepreneurs in understanding the basics of web hosting so they can get their site up and running quickly.

A quick guide to web hosting

How to boost website conversion
If you want your website to achieve success, then you need to focus on conversions rather than simply website traffic. Without any conversion rates, all that web traffic will amount to your site visitors leaving without taking a conversion-oriented action such as subscribing to a newsletter or turning into buying customers.

How much internet bandwidth do you really need to work remotely?
If your company shifted to a remote work setup, you should understand how crucial having enough internet bandwidth for remote workers is. But what does “good enough” mean? And what’s the minimum bandwidth ideal for work-related tasks? Let’s find out.

Gmail productivity tips you should know
A study done by the McKinsey Global Institute found that employees spend an average of 13 hours every week checking their emails. You can bring that number down and spend more time focusing on essential tasks by trying these Gmail tips. Use keyboard shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts can help you go through your emails quickly.